Hace unos días me apunte al concurso que realiza la tienda online Landher en el que buscan el mejor Blog de Montaña, el premio esta valorado en 1500 € en material de montaña.
Del dia 20 al 28 podéis votar para que mi blog sea seleccionado junto a 4 mas (en total 5 blogs) que pasan a la final y una vez en la final un jurado decidirá que blog es el que merece el premio, el mio es de los pocos que se centra practicamente en escalada.
Entre todas las personas que voten su blog favorito, también habrá premios, por lo que no dudéis en participar.
Si os gusta el blog, los contenidos, etc y soys seguidores agradeceria vuestro voto a traves de aqui, o la pestaña que hay arriba a la derecha.
Muchas gracias
Hello everyone.
A few days ago I signed up for the competition that makes the online store Landher in seeking the best Blog Mountain, the prize is valued at 1,500 € in mountaineering equipment.
From day 20 to 28 can vote for my blog to be selected along with four more (a total of 5 blogs) passing the final and in the final after a jury decided that blog is the one who deserves the prize is mine the few that focuses almost climbing.
Of all the people to vote your favorite blog, there will be prizes, so do not hesitate to participate.
If you like the blog, content, etc and your vote but I can appreciate followers through here, or the tab at the top right there.
thank you very much
3 comentarios:
ENGLISH: In order to vote correctly for this blog, click the link in the paragraph above ( last sentence is hyperlinked with the word "aqui".
The bottom fill out is asking you for your favorite blog to vote, in which you will write:
Rotpunkt & Holds
... that's it !!! super simple.
Thank you very much, Oscar, right
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